Children’s Dental Check-Ups
Every Australian child should have a dental check-up by the time they are two years old. It’s important not to wait for a problem to occur before taking your child to visit the dentist: dental check-ups are more useful when they are preventative compared to when they are reactive. Furthermore, it pays to be positive about visiting the dentist to ensure that children feel comfortable and are cooperative when they sit in the dentist’s chair for the first time.
Your Child’s First Dental Appointment
Your child’s first dental appointment will be performed by a licensed dental practitioner: a dentist, dental therapist or dental hygienist. They will inspect the child’s mouth to ensure healthy development is taking place and that no oral health issues are present. Early signs of tooth decay can be missed by parents, whereas a licensed dental practitioner can identify small problems that can be treated before they become more serious.
Children’s dental appointments are also an appropriate opportunity for parents to discuss oral health concerns they have about their child. Furthermore, children can become familiar with their dentist and other staff which makes future visits far more pleasant for parents and dentists alike!
How To Maintain Healthy Children’s Teeth
Clean baby’s teeth as soon as they appear (from six months onwards). You can use a toothbrush and water to perform this routine. From 18 months onwards, start to use a small amount (pea-sized) of low-fluoride toothpaste to brush your child’s teeth. Have your child spit out the toothpaste after brushing, but do not encourage them to rinse. Ensure children’s teeth are brushed twice per day until they are seven or eight years old: after eating breakfast and dinner.
In addition to this, it’s important to offer a wide variety of nutritious foods and snacks rather than sugar-filled alternatives. Furthermore, be sure to offer children tap water to drink regularly, as it contains fluoride which is essential for healthy oral development.
How To Make Sure Dental Visits Are Pleasant
- Prepare your child for what to expect by reading story books about visits to the dentist or by ‘playing dentist’ at home.
- Take your child with you when you have a check-up so that they can see what happens.
- Talk about dental visits being a part of their regular routine that helps to keep them healthy. Highlight the new, interesting, and fun aspects of visiting the dental clinic.
- Make dental appointments early in the day so your child is not tired.
- Arrive a little before the appointment time to let your child become familiar with the new surroundings.
- During the dental visit, let the oral health professional have your child’s full attention. They are trained to be gentle and make your child feel comfortable during the check-up.
- Combine the dental visit with a fun activity afterwards like a trip to the park or having a friend over to play.
- Make sure you only say positive things about your dental experiences in front of children.
Where Can I Book A Children’s Dental Appointment?
Contact the dental professionals at Campsie Laser Dental today to schedule an appointment for your child. We have a good reputation in our local community and have been performing routine check-ups on children since our clinic opened. If you want to schedule an appointment for your child or children, call our clinic on 02 9789 6219 and we can refer you to diagnosis and wisdom teeth removal treatment.